Prints of the desert

My friend Karl has been bouncing around the Southwest like a pinball for a number of years trying to create a conversation among artists in the area. Because he likes prints-they’re portable and generally more affordable than other media- one of his projects was to get prints from artists in Tucson and El Paso. He showed these at Chalk the Block a few years ago,  and a selection is opening tonight (Friday 29TH) at Juárez Contemporary 4105 November 20th at 6pm.
His current major project, opening. Sunday at the El Paso museum of art, is
“The Desert Triangle carpeta”. For this he commissioned 30 artists from Tucson,  Albuquerque and El Paso to each make a print in an edition of fifty on any theme. Some of these were printed in Mexico City at 75 grados,  and during a presentation on April 14th he is going to try to bring some of those printers up to make a live presentation. Another goal is to give local artists greater exposure, so in addition to shows all over the Southwest, and a few in Mexico, he is tqaking this up to a national print show in Portland , Oregon in March.-david sokolec

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